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Text File  |  1994-03-15  |  5KB  |  79 lines

  1. There are a number of named colors acceptable to polyray.  These were
  2. present in mtv and are carried through to polyray.  The colors (case is
  3. important) and their RGB values are:
  6. Name                    Red             Green           Blue
  7. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. Aquamarine              .439216         .858824         .576471
  9. Black                   0               0               0
  10. Blue                    0               0               1
  11. BlueViolet              .623529         .372549         .623529
  12. Brown                   .647059         .164706         .164706
  13. CadetBlue               .372549         .623529         .623529
  14. Coral                   1               .498039         0
  15. CornflowerBlue          .258824         .258824         .435294
  16. Cyan                    0               1               1
  17. DarkGreen               .184314         .309804         .184314
  18. DarkOliveGreen          .309804         .309804         .184314
  19. DarkOrchid              .6              .196078         .8
  20. DarkSlateBlue           .419608         .137255         .556863
  21. DarkSlateGray           .184314         .309804         .309804
  22. DarkSlateGrey           .184314         .309804         .309804
  23. DarkTurquoise           .439216         .576471         .858824
  24. DimGray                 .329412         .329412         .329412
  25. DimGrey                 .329412         .329412         .329412
  26. Firebrick               .556863         .137255         .137255
  27. ForestGreen             .137255         .556863         .137255
  28. Gold                    .8              .498039         .196078
  29. Goldenrod               .858824         .858824         .439216
  30. Gray                    .752941         .752941         .752941
  31. Green                   0               1               0
  32. GreenYellow             .576471         .858824         .439216
  33. Grey                    .752941         .752941         .752941
  34. IndianRed               .309804         .184314         .184314
  35. Khaki                   .623529         .623529         .372549
  36. LightBlue               .74902          .847059         .847059
  37. LightGray               .658824         .658824         .658824
  38. LightGrey               .658824         .658824         .658824
  39. LightSteelBlue          .560784         .560784         .737255
  40. LimeGreen               .196078         .8              .196078
  41. Magenta                 1               0               1
  42. Maroon                  .556863         .137255         .419608
  43. MediumAquamarine        .196078         .8              .6
  44. MediumBlue              .196078         .196078         .8
  45. MediumForestGreen       .419608         .556863         .137255
  46. MediumGoldenrod         .917647         .917647         .678431
  47. MediumOrchid            .576471         .439216         .858824
  48. MediumSeaGreen          .258824         .435294         .258824
  49. MediumSlateBlue         .498039         0               1
  50. MediumSpringGreen       .498039         1               0
  51. MediumTurquoise         .439216         .858824         .858824
  52. MediumVioletRed         .858824         .439216         .576471
  53. MidnightBlue            .184314         .184314         .309804
  54. Navy                    .137255         .137255         .556863
  55. NavyBlue                .137255         .137255         .556863
  56. Orange                  .8              .196078         .196078
  57. OrangeRed               1               0               .498039
  58. Orchid                  .858824         .439216         .858824
  59. PaleGreen               .560784         .737255         .560784
  60. Pink                    .737255         .560784         .560784
  61. Plum                    .917647         .678431         .917647
  62. Red                     1               0               0
  63. Salmon                  .435294         .258824         .258824
  64. SeaGreen                .137255         .556863         .419608
  65. Sienna                  .556863         .419608         .137255
  66. SkyBlue                 .196078         .6              .8
  67. SlateBlue               0               .498039         1
  68. SpringGreen             0               1               .498039
  69. SteelBlue               .137255         .419608         .556863
  70. Tan                     .858824         .576471         .439216
  71. Thistle                 .847059         .74902          .847059
  72. Turquoise               .678431         .917647         .917647
  73. Violet                  .309804         .184314         .309804
  74. VioletRed               .8              .196078         .6
  75. Wheat                   .847059         .847059         .74902
  76. White                   .988235         .988235         .988235
  77. Yellow                  1               1               0
  78. YellowGreen             .6              .8              .196078